Wednesday, March 21, 2012


  1. Northern and central Spanish is much easier for me to understand than southern, especially Andalusian, Spanish.
  2. Whenever I confirm someone's suspicion that I am indeed Indian, they claim, "I knew from your eyes!" (It's probably my permanent dark circles, or as I like to call them, nature's eyeshadow).
  3. I have invited pretty much anyone who expresses an interest (so, the entire office) to visit me in India sometime.
  4. You do not stand on the left side of the escalator unless you are the only one on it.
  5. People will queue up and wait to get a stationary spot on the right half of the escalator, rather than walk up the empty left half. Walking up the regular stairs is for foreigners.
  6. Food is left sitting out for hours, instead of being immediately put in Tupperware and stowed in the fridge.
  7. At 8 PM, there is a Spanish game show that my neighbors watch on high volume every single night. The theme song is very catchy, and during the show I hear gongs, cheering, "boing" sound effects, laughter, and not-great singing.
  8. The verb for flip out, freak out, get high or be crazy about something? "flipar"
  9. I heard a friend play the guitar and sing Spanish songs, and almost cried, it was so beautiful.
  10. Nutella is the most expensive item on my grocery list.
  11. The last trains leave their starting points at 1:30 AM.
  12. The night buses are called buhos, Spanish for owls.
  13. Many people smoke. A lot of men and some women roll their own cigarettes with loose tobacco, rolling papers, and tips (and are so practiced at it that they will do this while walking down the street).
  14. Cars will accelerate madly towards you if you are crossing the street without a walk signal.
  15. Every person thinks his or her hometown or village (pueblo) is the prettiest.


  1. such a fun post! I especially liked the name for night buses! :)
